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Our Service Fees

The fee information below outlines our standard fees. We recognise from time to time some clients may have unique needs so feel free to contact us and discuss this in more detail.

MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting)

This session is a mandatory requirement by Law (except in exceptional circumstances) before any court application can be made through the UK courts. The session must be facilitated by an accredited mediator who can (where required) sign-off a court certificate.


Together with your mediator you will explore the issues, discuss the mediation process and assess whether mediation is suitable.



(C100 or Form A fee is £50.00. Sessions are capped at 1 hour. Expedited MIAM fees start at £150.00 with 24 hour documentation turnaround)

Mediation Session

Mediation is offered in a variety of formats from face-to-face or virtual setting.


These sessions will focus on the key issues, communication and where appropriate, information that can help guide clients in reaching an arrangement.


Online - £130.00 per hour (per person)

Face to face - £160.00 per hour (per person)

(Prices include individual, joint and shuttle mediation)

Child Inclusive mediation - £185.00 per hour (per parent)



C100 or Form A - £50.00 per person

Open Financial Statement (OFS) - £95.00 per person

Parenting Plan - £90.00 per person

Memorandum of Understanding - £95.00 per person 

Mediation Voucher Scheme

Ark Family Mediation can apply on your behalf for a voucher up to the value of £500 per family to help meet the cost of your mediation.


The family mediation voucher scheme was launched during the pandemic to help ease demand on the family courts. The aim is to incentivise families to resolve child arrangement disputes outside of court through mediation, where safe to do so. The intention is to support families in reaching faster agreements in a less adversarial form of dispute resolution than through in court. It also helps to reduce demand on the family courts, ensuring more of the courts time can be spent on cases that need to be there, such as those where there are safeguarding concerns. The scheme is currently only available for families with child arrangement disputes.


Only mediators authorised by the Family Mediation Council (FMC) are taking part in the voucher scheme. 


How do I know if I am eligible for a mediation voucher? 


On attendance of a MIAM, one of our mediators will assess the issues you seek to resolve to see if they are suitable for mediation and meet the eligibility requirements for the voucher scheme. The scheme is currently administered by the Family Mediation Council (FMC). It offers families a one-off contribution of up to £500 (per family) towards their mediation costs with FMC accredited mediators.


  • A dispute/application regarding a child 

  • A dispute/application regarding family financial matters where you are also involved in a dispute/application relating to a child 


Note: Access to the voucher scheme is not based on a family’s income or finances and those who are eligible for Legal Aid are not excluded from the scheme. You can read more about the scheme details here.


Please ask our mediators for more information about the Voucher Scheme during your initial consultation.

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